Notes to myself and for everyone who's bored
I always thought writing in my own language, after living many years outside Romania, felt so unattainable. I'll substitute Romanian words with English words and I wouldn't know what I want to say in the end. Don't get me wrong I don't have much fluency to exercise such a desire but..still dreaming about writing something, a book perhaps?! Ha! Look at me already dreaming of the appearance of such a book. Yep, nonsense that's what it is. Why not a leaflet to post it to my neighbors instead?! Much attainable, right? I always always felt deep inside me a real hunger for writing. Sometimes I come up with pretty good chunks of phrases, expressions or crazy ideas. I would have loved to dive into them but I would get lost. I am not very good at inventing stories nor did I try. But every time I want to write something I get stuck. Tried recording my own voice but it felt weird, strange, like that voice is not mine or it didn't feel authentic enou...
nu e cam devreme sa faci brad? stiu ca se face pe 24! lasa vitrinele...
RăspundețiȘtergeredar deloc!vreau sa ma bucur de el pentru mai mult timp
RăspundețiȘtergerespui ca e frumos? De acord cu tine! Mersi de apreciere!
frumos :)
RăspundețiȘtergeredorinta piticilor mei de a impodobi bradul mai devreme a insemnat ca pe 30 nov noi ....aranjam bradul :)))
de obicei,il impodobeam imediat dupa Sf.Nicolae, dar dorinta lor era mare....asa ca....
in curand o sa ajungem sa-l facem de la 1 noiembrie...
RăspundețiȘtergereDaca ar rezista bradul atata :D l-as face! Dar din pacate nu vinde nimeni brazi pe 1 Noiembrie