Notes to myself and for everyone who's bored
I always thought writing in my own language, after living many years outside Romania, felt so unattainable. I'll substitute Romanian words with English words and I wouldn't know what I want to say in the end. Don't get me wrong I don't have much fluency to exercise such a desire but..still dreaming about writing something, a book perhaps?! Ha! Look at me already dreaming of the appearance of such a book. Yep, nonsense that's what it is. Why not a leaflet to post it to my neighbors instead?! Much attainable, right? I always always felt deep inside me a real hunger for writing. Sometimes I come up with pretty good chunks of phrases, expressions or crazy ideas. I would have loved to dive into them but I would get lost. I am not very good at inventing stories nor did I try. But every time I want to write something I get stuck. Tried recording my own voice but it felt weird, strange, like that voice is not mine or it didn't feel authentic enou...
Se poate! Trebuie sa ai incredere in tine si se poate! :)
RăspundețiȘtergereimi pare bine ca ai reusit din asa numitele valtori ale vietii.esti luptatoare si ai castigat!din cele scrise ai rabdat mult si totusi ai avut sperante.felicitari si numai bine!
RăspundețiȘtergereTi-am citit cu mare placere articolul. Mult succes in viitor si tot ce iti doresti!
RăspundețiȘtergereNu prea intru pe blogul meu pentru a verifica comentariile deoraece stiu ca ele nu prea exista dar de data asta am fost placut surprinsa. Va multumesc tuturor pentru mesajele voastre.
RăspundețiȘtergereInteresanta experienta dumneavoastra. Sunteti un exemplu!
RăspundețiȘtergereE o poveste despre succes, sau inceputul drumului spre succes si implinire. Felicitari!
RăspundețiȘtergereSi eu sufar de anxietate sociala. Nu am fost la psiholog. Incerc sa ma controlez singura, cum pot.